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Administrative Communication : The Concept of Its Professional Centrality.

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최종 저작일
8페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 100,000원 할인쿠폰받기


Administrative Communication : The Concept of Its Professional Centrality.
공공관리에 관한 글들은 비교적 새로운 현상이다. 실제로 대중과 개인 사이의 큰 형식적인 조직들은 기원과 존재에서 현대적이기 때문에 그것들은 특히 지금 세기의 산출물이다. 대륙과 세계에 영향을 미치는 거대 조직들에 대한 인산성의의존은 그러므로 최근이다.
이 기관들의 포괄적인 자세한 분석은 또한 학자들에게 새로운 것이다. 자연을 분석하고 있는 현대의 문학, 행동과 활기가 있는 인간의 제도들과 내부의 개인의 관계물을 이루는 이상적인 방법들의 범람은 효과적으로 현재의 문제들에 대처하는 방법으로서 이 기관들은 필요에 의해 설립되었다.




Public Administration practitioners and scholars alike have generally failed to give communication the attention and respect it deserves.... For communication to reclaim its rightful place at the core of public administration, its rigor, complexity, salience, diversity, and richness need to be rediscovered.

In arriving at even the most routine policy decisions, the typical administrator is a prisoner of a seemingly endless communications network that defines the problem at hand the possible alternatives. Administrators are normally pressed from many sides with informational and data sources flowing into their offices from their superiors, subordinates, other agencies, citizen groups, and the general public. Sometimes the information arrives through routine formal channels; at other times it wells up or trickles down to the administrator via unsolicited routes. Whatever the source, the public decision maker must selectively sort out this information, and, in turn, dispense a substantial quantity of information to people within and outside the organizational structure; this is done by memoranda, reports, conferences, phone conversations, and informal encounters that touch off a new chain of communications and decisions by others. Similar to a telephone switchboard, a policy maker’s office acts as a nerve enter where the lines of communications cross and are connected and where information is received, processed, stored, assembled, analyzed, and dispensed.

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Administrative Communication : The Concept of Its Professional Centrality.
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