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Choose two or three methods of language teaching and compare/discuss the merits or otherwise of each.

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
10페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 4,000원 할인쿠폰받기


- LTTC(London Teacher Training Collage) 테솔 에세이
- Module one, Section B, 4개 문항 중 택일 에세이,
- 8번 문항: Choose two or three methods of language teaching and compare/discuss the merits or otherwise of each. (A+받은 에세이)


1. Introduction

2. Examine three methods of language teaching by comparing and analyzing
1) The Direct Method (Maximilian D. Berlitz)
(1) Characteristics of the Direct Method
(2) The Direct Method has its own strengths and weaknesses
2) Natural Approach (Stephan Krashen, Tracy Terrell)
(1) Characteristics of the Natural Approach
(2) The Natural Approach has its own strengths and weakness
3) Communication Language Teaching (CLT, D.A.Wilkins)
(1) Characteristics of the Communication Language Teaching
(2) The Communication Language Teaching has its own strengths and weakness

3. Conclusion


In recent years, English curricula in Korea have focused on the cultivation of learners’ communicative competence and their integrative ability to use English in everyday communicative contexts. To this end, Korean government has embarked on a new project which is TEE program (Teaching English in English Program). However, unlike the general expectation, the actual implementation of TEE has not been successful so far. Korea’s English education methods have been influenced by major shifts in the world’s language teaching trends. As the result, the gap has been widening between their educational ideals and classroom realities. For that reason, we need to find an education method that best suits our societal. In order to find a resolution, primarily we need to understand and evaluate the methodologies of language teaching because of “good theories provide foundation stones for the novice to build their own foundation”.

참고 자료

Jeremy Harmer, [The practice of English Language Teaching], Edinburgh Gate: Fifth impression, 2010. 63
Sabah Shehab Ahmed, [English Teaching Methodology], College of arts
Ambar Wahyuni, [The effectiveness of Using Direct Method to Improve Students’ Speaking Ability], State Institute of Islamic Studies Salatiga 2012
Jack C. Richards and Theodore S. Rodgers, [Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching], Cambridge University Press 1986
Shin, Kyuchul, [Improvable method of communicative ability through the natural approach], Chon-buk National University 1994
Jung Mi Nam, [Perceptions of Korean College Students and Teachers about Communication-based English Instruction], Ohio University. School of The Ohio State University 2005
Jeong-soon Sir, [World Englishes: Korean EFL Teachers’ Attitudes and their Perceptions of Distinctive Grammatical Features], Ajou University 2010
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탑툰 이벤트
Choose two or three methods of language teaching and compare/discuss the merits or otherwise of each.
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