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[영어 교양 A+] 영어 에세이 - The electric vehicle is not optional, it is necessary

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3페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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인서울 상위권 대학교 영어 교양 (원어) 수업 기말 에세이입니다. (A+)

The electric vehicle is not optional, it is necessary 를 제목으로, 전기차로의 전환이 필수적 이유를 environment, human health, and economy 의 측면에서 근거를 들며 주장하였습니다.
5문단, 공백 포함 약 4500자 입니다.

문법 오류 거의 없습니다. (작성시 체크함)




Many people nowadays pay attention to the term “the electric car revolution”, which will soon be a definitive part of our daily life. As the car industry evolves over a long time, more than 20 firms such as Tesla, Hyundai, BMW suggest electric vehicles for their new and sustainable growth power. The debate is still going on, as to whether it is efficient and helpful for human beings.

참고 자료

“Sources of Greenhous Gas Emissions’, United States environment protection agency, https://www.epa.gov/ghgemissions/sources-greenhouse-gas-emissions.
“Reducing Pollution with Electric Vehicles”, U.S. Department of Energy (Office of Energy efficiency & Renewable Energy), https://www.energy.gov/eere/electricvehicles/reducing-pollution-electric-vehicles.
Clearing the air. Ontario: OPHA, June. 2020
Brønnum-Hansen, Henrik, et al. “Assessment of Impact of Traffic-Related Air Pollution on Morbidity and Mortality in Copenhagen Municipality and the Health Gain of Reduced Exposure.” Environment International, Pergamon, 23 Oct. 2018, www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S01*************4.
“EV: Advantages.” EDF, www.edfenergy.com/electric-cars/benefits.
“National EV Policies around the World.” Transport Energy Strategies, 26 Sept. 2019, www.transportenergystrategies.com/2019/06/26/national-ev-policies-around-the-world/.
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[영어 교양 A+] 영어 에세이 - The electric vehicle is not optional, it is necessary
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